
Code of Conduct Governing Body

  1.  The Governing Body of every college shall be responsible for the power management of the affairs of the college and may exercise all such power and functions as may be necessary for the purpose. In particular, and without prejudice to the generally of the foregoing provision, the Governing Body of a college shall be responsible for ensuring-
  1. That review is made of the results of the college and the University examinations and measures are adopted for academic improvement and maintenance of academic standards; and that working hours and actual teaching days of the college, workload and number of classes engaged for each course/subject taught are in conformity with university Acts and Statutes;
  2. That steps are taken for creation of posts and appointment of Principal (or, in the absence of a Principal, of a Teacher-in-Charge) teachers and other staff in accordance with the provisions of any law or rule or order in force for the time being to provide the instructional and other services necessary for the efficient and effective operation of the college;
  3. That the number of qualifications and the method of recruitment of the teachers and the conditions of their service are in accordance with the provisions of any law any rules or orders of Government of West Bengal and UGC, for the time being in force;
  4. that the laboratory and other instructional facilities available are adequate for the instructional programme;
  5. that the buildings in which the college is located are suitable for the purpose for which they are intended and are maintained at a satisfactory state of repair and sanitation;
  6. that the library is properly equipped;
  7. that the financial resources of the college are sufficient to ensure efficient and effective operation of the college;
  8. that all information, returns, reports and other materials required by the University and the State Government are promptly collected, prepared and made available to the University and the State Government;
  9. that all books, registers, records and accounts required to be maintained are kept up to date;
  10. that due provision is made for the well being of students, management of their hostels and messes, health, recreation and sports;
  11. that the students’ discipline is maintained;
  12. that proper assistance and facilities are given to the inspector of colleges and other persons appointed by the University for inspection and report;
  13. that directions issued by the University from time to time are carried out and compliance with them reported speedily to the University; and
  14. that all properties and funds of the college are properly controlled and administered.
  1. The college through its Governing Body may enter into contracts for its students which are not inconsistence with these statutes and regulations made under them providing for rights, benefits, and facilities to be enjoyed by students and specifying the terms upon which they are given or made available.
  2. The Governing Body may appoint Academic Sub-Committee, Finance Sub-Committee and such other Sub-Committees as its may think fit, to advise the Governing Body for the efficient administrationof the college, Such Sub-Committees except the Finance Sub-Committee may include teachers and non teaching employees of the colleges other than the members of the Governing Body. The Principal shall be the chairman of such Sub-Committees as may be formed:

Provided that at least six meetings of the finance Sub-Committee shall be held in an academic year.

  1. The Governing Body of any affiliated college may enter into collaborative arrangement with other authorities such as Open University, established by an Act of the State or Union Government, in setting up study centeres of Distance education and extend necessary cooperation to such authorities as may be required by the letter for its effective functioning. The Principal/ Teacher-in-Charge of the College, as Secretary to the Governing Body, will sign the agreement or memorandam of Understanding such authorities and will inform the University.
  2. Governing Body of twoor more colleges sharing the same premises shall constitute a coordinating Body to recommend to each Governing Body measures for the smooth functioning of all the colleges sharing the same building laboratories and other facilities. The Co-ordinating Body will consists of the Principals, one teacher and one non-teaching representative from each Governing Body nominated by the respective Governing Body.

The Principal / Teacher-in-Charge of each college for a period not exceeding thirsty-six months shall be the Convertor of the body by rotation.

Meeting of the Governing Body

  1. Meetings of the Governing Body of a college shall be held ordinarily in the college premises, and shall be held at least six times in a year.
  2. For a meeting of the Governing Body of the college including the meeting for election of the president the quorum shall be 50 percent of the total number of existing members of the Governing Body, or if such a total number is an odd number. 50 percent of the total number reduced by one.

         Provided that in the case of an adjourned meeting no quorum shall be required.

         Note: A meeting of the Governing Body can be adjourn only if it has a quorum.

  2.  The Secretary shall call a meeting if the President so direct him or if at least fifty percent of the existing members of the Governing Body requisition a meeting with intimation to the President . If however such a meeting is not convened by the secretary within ten days of direction of the president or of receiving succh requisition, the president may convenv a meeting of the Governing Body himself.
  3.  The Secretary shall send copies of minutes of previous meeting along with the notice of the meeting ordinarily at least seven days before the date of the meeting. In case of emergency the President may allow the Secretary to convence a meeting of the Governing Body with 24 hours’ notice.
  4. The meeting of the Governing Body shall be presided over by the President of the Governing Body. But in absence of the President of the Governing Body in a meeting any other member other than the principal or a teacher or a non-teaching employee or a student of the college concerned shall preside over such a meeting.
  5.  The President of the Governing Body can call Emergency Meeting of the Governing Body with single Agenda in case of necessity. In case of emergency meeting quorum is required.                  

                 Function of the Secretary of the Governing Body

               The Secretary of the Governing Body of every college shall-

  1. Ordinarily convence the meeting of the Governing Body. Maintain the records, conduct the official correspondence and keep the minutes of proceedings of the Governing Body;
  2. Send to the executive Council, when called upon by the executive Council to do so, originals or certified copies of such records, correspondence or minutes referred to above, as may be required by the executive Council; and
  3. Operate the college funds jointly with the President or any other member of the Governing Body (other than ateacher, employee or student of the college) as may be authorized by the Governing Body of the college.